You can’t make it to your visit in person- is telehealth right for you?
Most of our patients prefer to come to their pelvic PT sessions in person. But sometimes, life has other plans: Your wheels are getting serviced, or in a time crunch to get to the clinic and back to the office for a zoom call, or to get to carpool in time. We’ve got you! We now offer both in-person visits at the clinic and virtual appointments to provide flexibility in your care.
What is a virtual visit?
Virtual/ telehealth and phone sessions can be valuable for your physical therapy, whether your first or fifth visit! Telehealth sessions are live video sessions where you and your provider can see one another in real time. While we cannot provide hands-on assessments and treatment during telehealth sessions, we are still able to provide skilled care to help you start and progress your care.
What types of patients can use telehealth?
Many of our patients may benefit from telehealth as their initial session and for follow up sessions. If you have diastasis, bladder/ bowel symptoms, or want to address peri or post-menopausal issues related to muscle and bone health, we can get you started. Likewise, we are able to begin and progress treatment for pelvic, hip, and back conditions as well as painful sex, genital pain, and abdominal pain due to endometriosis and other conditions. Pregnancy and postpartum symptoms? We can help there too. There may be circumstances that require an in-person visit to start or continue care. If you are wondering if telehealth is a good fit for you, contact us and we will help determine the best options for you.
What can you DO during a telehealth visit?
We prefer in-person sessions whenever possible. However, a virtual option works well for people with tight work or travel schedules, new moms who can’t quite get away from home but want to get started after birth, and for our parents managing a household around school sports, activities, naps, and illness. While we can’t offer hands-on assessment and treatment, here are all of the things we CAN do:
Telehealth visits allow us to observe your movement, teach you new exercises, and give real-time feedback and updates according to your needs. Bladder & bowel programs, dilator progression, exercises, down training and self-care strategies can all be progressed remotely if you are unable to meet in person with your provider. We can continue to update your home program and instructions via email, as well as make modifications and updates as you feel better or if you experience a flareup. We also offer private one-on-one therapeutic yoga sessions as part of our wellness services for those interested in learning more about the body-mind-breath connection.
Getting started
There’s no need to wait! If you are feeling stuck and out there on your own, we can get you started and help you hit the reset button. We look forward to connecting with you virtually and/or in person! To set up your session, email us today through our website or to