Vulvovaginal hygiene: As if skin care isn’t confusing enough!

Are you confused about skincare? Do I use a toner? Are oils good? When am I supposed to exfoliate? Moisturize? How often? And what about products? Are you feeling overwhelmed yet? Us, too! Thankfully, we CAN demystify skin care for your vulva and vagina! Yes, our genitals can benefit from their own skincare routine. Check […]

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What is Vulvodynia? Vulvodynia is a general term for chronic vulvar pain (vulvo=vulva and dynia=pain). The vulva is the external genital tissue of someone assigned female at birth and includes the inner and outer labia, clitoris and vestibule (vaginal opening). It is thought to affect up to 16% of women(1), but unfortunately is often misdiagnosed […]

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